Yedi Başak delivered the sacrifice relics to their owners in GAZA


Yedi Başak Humanitarian Aid Association delivered the sacrifices slaughtered for Gaza in 2024 Eid al-Adha to Gaza.

Yedi Başak, which set out with the slogan ‘My Sacrifice to Brotherhood’, added goodness and happiness to the feast of hundreds of thousands of people with the good works it carried out during the Feast of Sacrifice. Yedi Başak Humanitarian Aid Association continues to be a bridge between the needy and the benevolent people with its humanitarian aid activities at home and abroad.                    

We touched 800.000 people with Qurban in Gaza 

In Eid al-Adha 2024, the sacrifices donated by proxy were distributed in Gaza. The donations were delivered to their owners in Yemen, Somalia, Chad, Niger, Uganda, Tanzania, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Syria and especially in Turkey. In the report published within the scope of Qurban 2024, the association reported that the sacrificial meat was distributed in 180 locations and reached more than 1,500,000 people in need.                                                                                                                                       

Mustafa Bulut, President of Yedi Başak Humanitarian Aid Association, personally followed the Gaza sacrifice organisation due to the genocide in Gaza this year. Bulut made a statement about the sacrifice work; ‘As Yedi Başak, we delivered the meat of the sacrifices entrusted by the benefactors through proxy in the country to Gaza for the innocent people affected by the war that started again on 7 OCTOBER. Sacrifice is another name of servitude to Allah and sharing. Sacrifice brings our hearts closer to each other, makes us one. And again on the occasion of Qurban, our teams travelled to different points of our heart geography and delivered the greetings and goodness of our country to our oppressed brothers and sisters. We loaded the greetings and prayers from there and brought them to our country together. We touched more than 1.500.000 people with sacrificial meat. With the support and donations of kind-hearted people dedicated to goodness, we made the faces of 1.500.00 of oppressed and orphaned children smile together this year.

In the sacrifice work of 2024, which was set out with the slogan ‘My Qurban to Brotherhood!’, Yedi Başak carried out food package distribution, cash aid, water well, orphan work and Quran distribution in the regions where it was located, as well as sacrifice activities. Yedi Başak made hundreds of thousands of people happy with the good deeds it carried out during Eid al-Adha.

<p>Yardım Kuruluşu<b> Yedi Başak İnsani Yardım Derneği </b>2860 sayılı Yardım Toplama Kanununun 7. maddesi uyarınca T.C. Gaziantep Valiliği İl Sivil Toplumla İlişkiler Müdürlüğü tarafından verilen 14/09/2020 tarih ve 23280 sayılı Olur’ları ile Yardım Toplama iznine sahiptir. 2860 sayılı Yardım Toplama Kanununun 16. Maddesi gereğince T.C. Gaziantep Valiliği İl Sivil Toplumla İlişkiler Müdürlüğü birimlerince denetlenmektedir.</p><p>5520 sayılı kurumlar vergisi kanununa göre derneğimiz kurumlar vergisi mükellefleri arasında yer almamaktadır. Online Bağış sayfamızdan yapmış olduğunuz bağışlardan vergi ve banka kesintisi alınmamaktadır. Yaptığınız bağışın tamamı derneğimize ulaşmaktadır.</p><div><br></div>