With your support, we continue this journey we embarked on to live and sustain goodness in our country and in many different geographies of the world. We look forward to your support to move the boundaries of this journey further.

Iftar Dinner

This Ramadan, we are determined to find those who are waiting for a knock on their door, to spread goodness and hope across the world.
Are you determined too

Fitre Bağışı

Fitr (Fitrah) is a mandatory charity that must be given before Eid al-Fitr and represents the cost of a person's daily food needs. By giving your fitr donation, you can help those in need and bring joy to their Ramadan.


You can deliver your charity donations to the victims, the poor and the oppressed in our country and in different parts of the world.

Gıda Kumanyası

Bu Ramazan, kapısının çalınmasını bekleyenleri bulmaya, dünyaya iyiliği ve umudu yaymaya niyetliyiz. 

Sen de Niyetli misin?

Orphan Support (Open)

You can make orphans smile by donating any amount you wish.


By providing a water well in Chad, you can be a lifeline for people who have difficulty in accessing water, you can touch their future

Bangladesh Water Well

By having a water well drilled in Bangladesh, you can be instrumental in bringing the life hopes of people in need to green.

Uganda Water Well

By having a water well drilled in Uganda, you can be instrumental in bringing the life hopes of people in need to green.

Afghanistan Water Well

By having a water well drilled in Afghanistan, you can be instrumental in bringing the hope of life to people in need.

Let's Warm This Winter Together!

Winter is here, and it is in our hands to warm the hearts of those in need. With your donations, you can give the gift of a warm home, warm clothes and a smile full of hope in these difficult days.

African Sacrifice (Small Bovine)

You can be instrumental in bringing a smile on the faces of people in need in Africa with your Adak, Aqiqa and gratitude sacrifices.

Afganistan Kurban (Küçükbaş)

Kurban hisselerinizi Afganistan’daki ihtiyaç sahibi, mazlum insanlara ulaştırıyor, bayram sevinçlerine ortak oluyoruz.

Suriye Kurban (Küçükbaş)

Adak,Akika ve şükür Kurbanlarınızla Suriye'de ihtiyaç sahibi insanların yüzlerinde tebessüme vesile olabilirsiniz.

Yemen Kurban (Küçükbaş)

Adak,Akika ve şükür Kurbanlarınızla Yemen'de ihtiyaç sahibi insanların yüzlerinde tebessüme vesile olabilirsiniz.

Türkiye Kurban(Küçükbaş)

Adak, Akika ve şükür Kurbanlarınızla Türkiye'de ihtiyaç sahibi insanların yüzlerinde tebessüme vesile olabilirsiniz.

Dairy Goat

You can create a livelihood by donating 3 Dairy Goats to orphan families.

Sibling Family

By working in accordance with your budget with the sister family project, we become a bridge between the hand that gives and the hand that receives.

Stationery Assistance

With school supplies, let's support the educational journey of our orphaned and underprivileged children, and leave a legacy of hope for the future.

General Donation (Open)

By making a free donation, you can contribute to the implementation of humanitarian aid projects in areas in need.

Orphan Patronage (12 Months)

You can support all the needs of our orphan brothers and sisters for 12 months.

Baby Food

We started a daily baby food project for babies in need in Gaza. The cost of a packet of formula for a baby is only 500 TL.

With your help, we can offer a healthy future to these innocent babies. Each donation will contribute to the smile of a baby!

Let's join hands for a better world together!

Gazze'ye 1000 adet Çadır Yardımı Kampanyası

Gazze'de katliamdan dolayı yerlerinden edilen kardeşlerimiz başlarını sokacak bir yer arıyor. Soğuktan, yağmurdan korunmaya çalışan binlerce aile var. Desteklerinizle Gazze'ye 1000 adet çadır ulaştıracağız.

Cataract (Open)

You can be a light in their darkness by donating any amount you want to cataract patients.

Cataract Surgery

With your donations, you can be a light to the darkness of cataract patients with a 15-minute surgery.

Gaza water distribution

You can support our water distribution project for the oppressed people living in Gaza with your donations.

Gaza Daily Hot Meal

With your support, we deliver hot meals to Gaza daily.

Halep acil yardım

In Aleppo, where bread bakeries are closed, we support the civilian population by providing hot bread to 2000 people daily.

Somali Acil Yardım

Zorlu koşullarda yaşam mücadelesi veren insanlar için gıdaya ve hijyene ihtiyaçları var.

Gaza Tent Aid

Our brothers who were displaced due to the massacre in Gaza are looking for a place to lay their heads. There are thousands of families trying to protect themselves from the cold and rain. With your support, we are delivering tents to Gaza.
You can donate any amount you want.

Lebanon emergency aid

We are taking action to help those affected by the urgent situations in Lebanon. With your support, we can reach those in need and be a beacon of hope. Every donation saves lives. Join this movement of kindness!

Gaza baby food

Children in Gaza are succumbing to hunger. With your support, we deliver baby food to children in Gaza.

Yemen Acil Yardım

Bağışlarınızla Yemen de sel felaketinden etkilenen ihtiyaç sahibi ailelere yardım yapıyoruz.

<p>Yardım Kuruluşu<b> Yedi Başak İnsani Yardım Derneği </b>2860 sayılı Yardım Toplama Kanununun 7. maddesi uyarınca T.C. Gaziantep Valiliği İl Sivil Toplumla İlişkiler Müdürlüğü tarafından verilen 14/09/2020 tarih ve 23280 sayılı Olur’ları ile Yardım Toplama iznine sahiptir. 2860 sayılı Yardım Toplama Kanununun 16. Maddesi gereğince T.C. Gaziantep Valiliği İl Sivil Toplumla İlişkiler Müdürlüğü birimlerince denetlenmektedir.</p><p>5520 sayılı kurumlar vergisi kanununa göre derneğimiz kurumlar vergisi mükellefleri arasında yer almamaktadır. Online Bağış sayfamızdan yapmış olduğunuz bağışlardan vergi ve banka kesintisi alınmamaktadır. Yaptığınız bağışın tamamı derneğimize ulaşmaktadır.</p><div><br></div>