2024-06-14 00:00:00

Mobilization for Aid to Gaza: Call to the World from Rim’s Grandfather

Message to the World from Rim’s Grandfather

Highlighting the importance of canned meat, Khaled Nabhan said, "The massacres in the Gaza Strip, power outages, and the shortage of basic foodstuffs have led to a significant decrease in the availability of meat and vegetables. Yedi Başak Humanitarian Aid Association aims to send sacrificial meat to Gaza in canned form. These cans have a shelf life of two years and can be stored without refrigeration."

Thanking Yedi Başak Humanitarian Aid Association, Nabhan added, "We pray to Allah to bless Yedi Başak Humanitarian Aid Association. We will continue to serve all our brothers and sisters in the Gaza Strip.


Current Situation in Gaza

Three-year-old Rim, who lost her life in the Israeli attacks on Gaza, is just one of the many children who did not live to see Eid al-Adha. The pain experienced by Rim’s grandfather, Khaled Nabhan, as he bade his last farewell to his granddaughter, has become a symbol of the tragedy in Gaza.

Difficulty Accessing Basic Needs in Gaza

Due to months of attacks, Gazans are forced to live in tents and frequently relocate. There are severe difficulties in accessing basic food supplies. Yedi Başak Humanitarian Aid Association remains in contact with our field partners in Gaza to identify urgent needs. Rim’s grandfather, Khaled Nabhan, plays a crucial role in identifying these needs during this process.

Decision to Send Canned Meat

After discussions with Rim’s grandfather and key figures in Gaza, it was decided that meat should be sent to Gaza in canned form. This decision was made considering the border closures and inadequate food storage conditions in Gaza. As 70% of homes in Gaza have been destroyed by bombings, there are no storage facilities for meat, making canned meat the most viable option.

Claims that Aid Doesn’t Reach Gaza Are Untrue!

Claims that "aid doesn’t reach Gaza" are media propaganda aimed at discouraging donors. The facts are different:

  • Despite 252 days of ongoing attacks, the Gaza Border Crossings have been open for 207 days.
  • In those 207 days, 25,810 trucks of aid materials have been delivered to Gaza.

"My Sacrifice for Brotherhood" Campaign

Yedi Başak Humanitarian Aid Association is announcing its sacrificial activities this year with the slogan "My Sacrifice for Brotherhood." Operating in a total of 15 countries, including Turkey and Gaza, the association aims to share the joy of Eid with hundreds of thousands of people.

How to Make a Sacrifice Donation?

Making a sacrificial donation to Yedi Başak Humanitarian Aid Association is very easy. You can make your donation in the following ways:

  • By visiting our association headquarters and representatives: You can make a direct donation.
  • Online Donation: You can donate through the Yedi Başak Humanitarian Aid Association website.
  • Bank Transfer/EFT: You can transfer your donation to the bank account numbers listed on our website, including your contact information and sacrifice description.
  • By calling our Call Center: You can make your sacrifice donation by calling +90 553 886 77 77.

Why Yedi Başak Humanitarian Aid Association?

Yedi Başak Humanitarian Aid Association is an association working for the public benefit under the decision of the Presidency and Article 27 of the Law on Associations No. 5253. We provide a reliable and transparent donation process, ensuring that your donations reach those in need. We conduct sacrificial slaughters in accordance with halal and hygienic conditions and keep our donors informed about the process.

By saying "My Sacrifice for Brotherhood," let’s reach more people in need together. By making your sacrificial donations to Yedi Başak Humanitarian Aid Association, you can share the joy of Eid with people in Gaza and other needy regions.

<p>Yardım Kuruluşu<b> Yedi Başak İnsani Yardım Derneği </b>2860 sayılı Yardım Toplama Kanununun 7. maddesi uyarınca T.C. Gaziantep Valiliği İl Sivil Toplumla İlişkiler Müdürlüğü tarafından verilen 14/09/2020 tarih ve 23280 sayılı Olur’ları ile Yardım Toplama iznine sahiptir. 2860 sayılı Yardım Toplama Kanununun 16. Maddesi gereğince T.C. Gaziantep Valiliği İl Sivil Toplumla İlişkiler Müdürlüğü birimlerince denetlenmektedir.</p><p>5520 sayılı kurumlar vergisi kanununa göre derneğimiz kurumlar vergisi mükellefleri arasında yer almamaktadır. Online Bağış sayfamızdan yapmış olduğunuz bağışlardan vergi ve banka kesintisi alınmamaktadır. Yaptığınız bağışın tamamı derneğimize ulaşmaktadır.</p><div><br></div>