Emergency aid to Gaza from Yedi Başak Humanitarian Aid Association


Yedi Başak Humanitarian Relief Association, which has been continuing its work in Gaza for many years, continues to increase the aid it delivers to civilians after November 7. Yedi Başak continues to support the injured and displaced people by using the available stocks in Gaza. It delivers food parcels, hot meals, medical supplies, hygiene packages, fuel to hospitals and ambulances, and cash support to the injured.

Emergency aid to Gaza from Yedi Başak Humanitarian Aid Association

“Israel has been massacring our brothers in Palestine for 48 days”

Yedi Başak Humanitarian Relief Association, which also supports the 'Goodness Ship for Gaza' that will depart from Mersin Port under the coordination of AFAD, shipped a truck of aid from Gaziantep to Mersin port. Making a statement during the departure of the Goodness Truck, Mustafa Bulut, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Yedi Başak Humanitarian Aid Association, said, “Israel has been massacring our brothers in Palestine for 48 days. Schools, hospitals and ambulances are bombed indiscriminately. Children, women, the elderly and defenseless innocent people die in the buildings that were hit. As Seven Virgos, we did not remain silent against this oppression, we cannot remain silent. We stood by our brothers with our help and prayers. We are also contributing to the Kindness Ship that will sail from Mersin under the coordination of AFAD. The aid truck we sent today consists of hygiene products, health supplies, canned food, halva, biscuits, cakes and food packages. The aid prepared for the Kindness Ship has been meticulously prepared to meet the basic needs of displaced civilians and victims in Gaza, taking into account the sensitive situation of the region. We continue our efforts to provide some hope to injured children during this difficult process. Our dear people who want to support the people of Gaza who are trying to cope with the devastating effects of the brutal bombardment can donate 15 TL by texting Urgent and sending a short SMS to 3157. "They can also donate online at www.yedibasak.org.tr," he said.


<p>Yardım Kuruluşu<b> Yedi Başak İnsani Yardım Derneği </b>2860 sayılı Yardım Toplama Kanununun 7. maddesi uyarınca T.C. Gaziantep Valiliği İl Sivil Toplumla İlişkiler Müdürlüğü tarafından verilen 14/09/2020 tarih ve 23280 sayılı Olur’ları ile Yardım Toplama iznine sahiptir. 2860 sayılı Yardım Toplama Kanununun 16. Maddesi gereğince T.C. Gaziantep Valiliği İl Sivil Toplumla İlişkiler Müdürlüğü birimlerince denetlenmektedir.</p><p>5520 sayılı kurumlar vergisi kanununa göre derneğimiz kurumlar vergisi mükellefleri arasında yer almamaktadır. Online Bağış sayfamızdan yapmış olduğunuz bağışlardan vergi ve banka kesintisi alınmamaktadır. Yaptığınız bağışın tamamı derneğimize ulaşmaktadır.</p><div><br></div>