Yedi Başak Association's aid campaign continues

According to the statement made by Yedi Başak Association, the association, which sent emergency humanitarian aid consisting of hundreds of volunteers and trucks to the regions affected by the earthquake, carries out its work in coordination with AFAD and the Red Crescent.
The association, which distributes hot meals to 42 thousand people daily from soup kitchens in the region, also continues to support citizens affected by the earthquake with shelter, heating, hygiene, food and water aid.
Yedi Başak Association continues to provide nutrition and shelter aid to the 10 provinces affected by the earthquake and especially to the villages of Gaziantep, where its centers are located. Stating that aid is distributed more effectively in city centers, the president of the association, Mustafa Bulut, stated that they travel to villages one by one and reach those in need.

Mustafa Bulut stated that as Yedi Başak, they quickly went to the field with the advantage of knowing the region well and being already here. Our teams have been in the field since the first moment, they have provided support to the teams under the coordination of AFAD, primarily for first aid and rescue, and since the 2nd day, they have been providing support to the teams, especially nutrition and shelter. He said that they served together with their volunteers.

Children are our priority
“While rescue efforts are still continuing in Gaziantep and its surroundings, we also focused on work for children, who are among the priority groups, to alleviate the effects of the earthquake.”

Stating that priority services such as food and shelter are being continued uninterruptedly in the 10 provinces where the earthquake was effective, Bulut said, "All our teams are on the field, especially in Gaziantep, where my headquarters is located."
While we continue our work on emergency aid in all our provinces, we also focused on our work with our children, accompanied by experienced pedagogues. The trauma caused by an earthquake can affect children more, especially during aftershocks. In order to ease the psychological burden of our children under these difficult conditions, we share toys with them and play games with our experienced pedagogues. We try to make them forget the pain, even if only for a short time.
Mustafa Bulut completed his statement as follows; Needs in the region can change instantly. Where is it missing? We take a position by looking at it. When we join hands with our nation, we will overcome the greatest disaster in history, God willing. Our work will continue until the suffering ends.