Yedi Başak Humanitarian Relief Association received permission to collect aid


Yedi Başak Humanitarian Aid Association's application to collect aid via SMS to the Gaziantep Governorship was accepted.

The application of Yedi Başak Humanitarian Aid Association to collect aid for the benefit of the oppressed people of Yemen was accepted by Gaziantep Governorship. Humanitarian Aid Organizations in Turkey, which do not remain silent to the situation in Yemen, where the humanitarian crisis deepens day by day and living conditions become more difficult due to the internal turmoil in the country, continue to lend a hand to the oppressed people. Yedi Başak Humanitarian Aid Association continues its work with the mission of being a bridge between philanthropists and those in need. With the permission given to collect aid throughout Turkey for 1 year within the framework of the Charity Collection Law No. 2860, donations can be made to Yedi Başak Humanitarian Aid Association via SMS lines. The collected aid will be delivered to families in need in Yemen. The donations made by philanthropists from all over the world through the SMS campaign will be a lifeline for the children of the oppressed region, who lose their lives every 10 minutes due to hunger and hunger-related reasons. Making a statement on the subject, Association President Mustafa Bulut stated that Yedi Başak Humanitarian Relief Association's permission to collect aid throughout Turkey for 1 year for the benefit of the oppressed Yemeni people was approved and said, “Yemen is currently a place where the humanitarian crises are most intense. We went to Yemen approximately 2 months ago and had the opportunity to examine the situation on site. In this geography that the world ignores, we distributed food parcels, baby food, water, and sacrificed votive and akika sacrifices for families in need. "With these campaigns, we aim to provide hope to the tearful Yemeni people and expect the support of our helpful citizens."

<p>Yardım Kuruluşu<b> Yedi Başak İnsani Yardım Derneği </b>2860 sayılı Yardım Toplama Kanununun 7. maddesi uyarınca T.C. Gaziantep Valiliği İl Sivil Toplumla İlişkiler Müdürlüğü tarafından verilen 14/09/2020 tarih ve 23280 sayılı Olur’ları ile Yardım Toplama iznine sahiptir. 2860 sayılı Yardım Toplama Kanununun 16. Maddesi gereğince T.C. Gaziantep Valiliği İl Sivil Toplumla İlişkiler Müdürlüğü birimlerince denetlenmektedir.</p><p>5520 sayılı kurumlar vergisi kanununa göre derneğimiz kurumlar vergisi mükellefleri arasında yer almamaktadır. Online Bağış sayfamızdan yapmış olduğunuz bağışlardan vergi ve banka kesintisi alınmamaktadır. Yaptığınız bağışın tamamı derneğimize ulaşmaktadır.</p><div><br></div>