Yedi Başak announced the 2023 Sacrifice campaign


Yedi Başak Humanitarian Relief Association announced the details of the sacrifice donation campaign it will hold in 2023. Announcing its campaign with the slogan "My Sacrifice for Brotherhood", the association determined the share price for international sacrifice donations as 1,900 TL and the share price for domestic sacrifice donations as 5,000 TL.

Yedi Başak Association aims to extend a helping hand to disaster-affected citizens affected by the earthquake in our country and to those in need in different parts of the world. They aim to give hope to them by bringing meat to their tables and smiles to their faces through sacrificial donations.

This year, in earthquake zones in Turkey and in a total of 11 countries in Africa and Asia, the sacrifices to be slaughtered by proxy after the Eid prayer on the first day of the Eid are distributed as meat to people in need. The association transmits information about the sacrifice to donors via SMS. In trust and transparency, the video recording taken at the time of sacrifice is sent to donors one by one as a sacrifice video.

Mustafa Bulut, President of Yedi Başak Humanitarian Aid Association, announced that they set out this year with the slogan "My Sacrifice to Brotherhood" and that they will organize sacrifice and distribution organizations in many countries, especially in Turkey. Bulut stated that solidarity and sharing among people is in our nature as a nation.

He emphasized that just as we can share bread, we can also share our joys and sorrows together. Additionally, Bulut said the following about the stages of sacrifice. “As Yedi Başak Association, we determine the areas designated for sacrifice months in advance. In this process, we meticulously select cattle and sheep that have sacrificial qualities. We complete the preparations by performing the necessary checks on the victims. As an association, we purchase sacrifices in these regions with the wajib, votive, akika and thank-you sacrifices of our donors.

On the first day of Eid, after the Eid prayer, we start slaughtering the sacrifices given by our donors. We distribute the sacrificed animals to people in need living on 3 continents and 11 countries. Especially our earthquake-affected citizens in our country and orphan families, oppressed people, those who had to migrate and needy families around the world experience the joy of the holiday by receiving the sacrificed meat of the Seven Virgo Association. As an association, we work devotedly to reach those in real need. According to what was narrated from Aisha (r.a.), the Messenger of Allah (s.a.v) said:

“On the day of sacrifice, the son of Adam did not do a deed more beloved to Allah than shedding blood or sacrificing an animal. That sacrifice will come with its horns, hair and nails on the Day of Judgment. The blood of the sacrifice is immediately accepted by Allah before it falls to the ground.

Mustafa Bulut stated that by donating to this project carried out with the support of philanthropists, they will be able to fulfill their worship and receive rewards and touch a heart with love.

<p>Yardım Kuruluşu<b> Yedi Başak İnsani Yardım Derneği </b>2860 sayılı Yardım Toplama Kanununun 7. maddesi uyarınca T.C. Gaziantep Valiliği İl Sivil Toplumla İlişkiler Müdürlüğü tarafından verilen 14/09/2020 tarih ve 23280 sayılı Olur’ları ile Yardım Toplama iznine sahiptir. 2860 sayılı Yardım Toplama Kanununun 16. Maddesi gereğince T.C. Gaziantep Valiliği İl Sivil Toplumla İlişkiler Müdürlüğü birimlerince denetlenmektedir.</p><p>5520 sayılı kurumlar vergisi kanununa göre derneğimiz kurumlar vergisi mükellefleri arasında yer almamaktadır. Online Bağış sayfamızdan yapmış olduğunuz bağışlardan vergi ve banka kesintisi alınmamaktadır. Yaptığınız bağışın tamamı derneğimize ulaşmaktadır.</p><div><br></div>