Yemeni Teacher
In the Taiz Region of Yemen, Yemeni teacher Adil SERCI's house is in front of 700 students in rows and can't wait to go home and get education.
Regaib Gecesi'nde Gazze'de gönül sofrası kuruyoruz. Siz de kardeşlerimize bağışta bulunarak destek olabilirsiniz.
Bir Kişilik Yemek Bedeli: 100 TL
By providing a water well in Chad, you can be a lifeline for people who have difficulty in accessing water, you can touch their future
Winter is here, and it is in our hands to warm the hearts of those in need. With your donations, you can give the gift of a warm home, warm clothes and a smile full of hope in these difficult days.
In Aleppo, where bread bakeries are closed, we support the civilian population by providing hot bread to 2000 people daily.
Zorlu koşullarda yaşam mücadelesi veren insanlar için gıdaya ve hijyene ihtiyaçları var.
Adak, Akika ve şükür Kurbanlarınızla Türkiye'de ihtiyaç sahibi insanların yüzlerinde tebessüme vesile olabilirsiniz.
You can deliver your charity donations to the victims, the poor and the oppressed in our country and in different parts of the world.
Kurban hisselerinizi Afganistan’daki ihtiyaç sahibi, mazlum insanlara ulaştırıyor, bayram sevinçlerine ortak oluyoruz.
Adak,Akika ve şükür Kurbanlarınızla Suriye'de ihtiyaç sahibi insanların yüzlerinde tebessüme vesile olabilirsiniz.
Adak,Akika ve şükür Kurbanlarınızla Yemen'de ihtiyaç sahibi insanların yüzlerinde tebessüme vesile olabilirsiniz.
You can support all the needs of our orphan brothers and sisters for 12 months.
With school supplies, let's support the educational journey of our orphaned and underprivileged children, and leave a legacy of hope for the future.
We are taking action to help those affected by the urgent situations in Lebanon. With your support, we can reach those in need and be a beacon of hope. Every donation saves lives. Join this movement of kindness!
Children in Gaza are succumbing to hunger. With your support, we deliver baby food to children in Gaza.
By having a water well drilled in Bangladesh, you can be instrumental in bringing the life hopes of people in need to green.
By having a water well drilled in Uganda, you can be instrumental in bringing the life hopes of people in need to green.
You can be a light in their darkness by donating any amount you want to cataract patients.
By working in accordance with your budget with the sister family project, we become a bridge between the hand that gives and the hand that receives.
Rim’in Dedesi Khaled Nabhan Şehit Düştü Geçtiğimiz yıl şehit olan torununa sarıldığı görüntülerle hafızalara kazınan ve Yedi Başak İnsani Yardım Derneği’nin Gazze Temsilcisi olan Şeyh Khaled Nabhan, bu sabah İsrail tarafından düzenlenen saldırıda şehit oldu. Şeyh Khaled Nabhan, daha önce İsrail’in saldırılarında torununu ve ailesini kaybetmiş olmasına rağmen gösterdiği metanetli duruşu ile binlerce insanın müslüman olmasına vesile olmuştu. Kendisine Gazze’den çıkarılması teklif edilmesine rağmen halkını yalnız bırakmayı reddetmiş, Yedi Başak İnsani Yardım Derneği ile yardım çalışmalarına devam etme kararı almıştı. Savaşın başından bu yana binlerce insanın hayatına dokunmuştu. Şeyh Khaled Nabhan, şehadetinden önce çadır kampanyası üzerinde çalışmaktaydı. Ne yazık ki, yardımcısı Dr. Mahmoud’un 13 Aralık 2024 tarihinde şehadet haberiyle sarsılmıştı. Bu acı kaybın üzerinden sadece üç gün geçmişken, aynı bölgede düzenlenen bir saldırıda kendisi de şehit oldu. Yedi Başak İnsani Yardım Derneği 16 Aralık 2024
After the flood disaster in Cameroon, we launched an emergency half-work.
One year has passed since the genocide that was Gaza!
We started to work to heal the wounds of the flood disaster in Bosnia.
Rim's grandfather Abu Dia sent a message of thanks to the people of Turkey
Yedi Başak Humanitarian Aid Association delivered the sacrifices slaughtered for Gaza in 2024 Eid al-Adha to Gaza.
Dear Visitors
As Yedi Başak Humanitarian Aid Association, we have taken action to support the humanitarian crisis in Somalia as a requirement of our global responsibility. As part of our humanitarian aid initiative on 30.09.2024, we sent an aid ship to Somalia from Mersin port together with AFAD.
This aid is designed to help the Somali people to cope with the challenging conditions they are facing. This aid, which includes basic necessities, medical aid, food aid and other urgent needs, reflects Yedi Başak's commitment to humanitarian values and awareness of social responsibility.
As Yedi Başak, it is a great honour for us to stand by the people in Somalia and provide support during this difficult process. Our aim is to bring hope and healing to the people of Somalia with this aid.
If you would like to get more information about our aid shipment or support us, you can visit our website or contact us at +90 (553) 886 77 77.
In the Taiz Region of Yemen, Yemeni teacher Adil SERCI's house is in front of 700 students in rows and can't wait to go home and get education.